Big Island Moonbow Farms is a small-scale beekeeping venture located on Hawai'i Island. Inspired by the plight of the honeybee in Hawai'i and worldwide, we have been caring for honeybees in an organic fashion since 2011.
While our primary focus is the health and well being of our bees, our diverse apiary locations allow us to capture several of the unique nectar sources our island has to offer. With immense passion, and the combined efforts of our family and our bees, we are pleased to provide Wai Meli, an array of small harvest, artisanal, raw honeys.
Working with our bees and receiving this amazing product is a true labor of love. We believe beekeeping is a synthesis of many elements including farming, biology, and art. There are many variables involved in nectar selection and foraging availability; location, weather patterns, honeybee health, and hive management all play vital roles in the product of honey. Each harvest is seasonal and determined by the preferences of the honeybees. Our honey is unheated to maintain nutritive value and true character. Hopefully, you enjoy Wai Meli as much as we do!
A young, vigorous queen is imperative to a healthy, successful colony. In our breeding program, our foremost desired qualities are hygienic behavior, gentleness, and productivity. We rear small quantities of Hawaiian queens with Italian and Carniolan genetics throughout the year.